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Do You Suffer from Aldara Side Effects?

Billed as a benign salve to cure skin cancers, in truth Aldara is something quite different: a worldwide and, for many Texas, deeply personal health crisis in the making. In fact, the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute have labeled the active ingredient in Aldara, imiquimod (IQ), as a dangerous carcinogen and hazardous chemical. Reported Aldara side effects include immune system damage, anaphylactic shock, memory loss, diminished eyesight, headaches, dizziness and inexplicable weight loss.


Has your doctor prescribed Aldara for you? If you’re under treatment for skin cancer, you may already be taxing Aldara and ingesting dangerous amounts of IQ! What should you do? Call the pharmaceutical liability and personal injury experts at Fears | Nachawati. We can help you! Call at 1.866.705.7584 or send an email to

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Do You Suffer from Aldara Side Effects?