After a JAMA study released in April of this year found that men who have taken Viagra have an 84% higher occurrence rate of melanoma, more doctors have spoken out, expressing a desire to see more research regarding this link. Dr. June Robinson of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine originally wrote an accompanying editorial to the JAMA study which recommended further research to definitively link melanoma risks to the little blue pill. She also cautioned that doctors should be on the lookout for signs of skin cancer in patients that have been prescribed Viagra.
The JAMA study tracked more than 25,000 men around age 65 and found that a significantly higher incidence of melanoma occurred in this group. In particular, they found that if men had ever used Viagra, their risk of developing melanoma was doubled compared to those who had never used it. In the U.S. alone, 76,100 new melanoma cases are expected to be diagnosed this year, with an estimated 9,710 dying from the skin cancer.
Legal Commentary
Our experienced pharmaceutical lawyers are currently investigating claims for those affected by melanoma that developed while or after taking Viagra. From a civil standpoint, our firm has represented numerous individuals and families who have become victim to Viagra and its dangerous side effects and the following psychological trauma. If you or a loved one has experienced any of these side effects you should contact one of our attorneys as soon as possible. A successful civil claim pursued against the responsible party will ensure the victims are not burdened with costly medical expenses, and will hopefully compensate them for their pain, suffering, and lost wages for time missed from work. Further questions can be directed to the Fears | Nachawati Law Firm by emailing the lead Viagra lawyer, Majed Nachawati at, or by calling our office at 1.866.705.7584.
About the Author
Majed Nachawati is a preeminent Pharmaceutical Products Liability Lawyer with a focus on representing Viagra victims and families harmed by dangerous drugs on a nationwide basis. Mr. Nachawati has resolved numerous cases through trial and settlement that have resulted in seven and eight figure confidential settlements. He is on the Grievance Committee for the State Bar of Texas. He is licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of Texas and Arkansas, and is in most federal courts in the nation and holds specific licenses in the Northern, Southern, and Eastern Districts of Texas. Mr. Nachawati is a member of the Board of Directors of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, the Board of Directors for Public Justice, a Leaders’ Forum and PAC member of the American Association for Justice. Mr. Nachawati has been recognized as a Super Lawyer in Texas Monthly Magazine for the past four consecutive years for legal excellence, in connection with pharmaceutical injury cases. Mr. Nachawati is also a member of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Mr. Nachawati can be reached by email at or by calling 1.866.705.7584.