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Does Your Newborn Suffer from Seizures and Other Abnormalities?

Tragically, thousands of Zoloft (sertraline) patients are realizing that the risk of Zoloft-induced birth defects is very, very real. With risk spiking during the third trimester of a patient’s pregnancy, many medical experts believe that Zoloft causes a variety neonatal birth defects. These defects often manifest symptoms that include seizures, difficulty breathing, tremors, and irritability, among others.


If you took Zoloft during your pregnancy, your physician should have conducted a careful balancing of the risks associated with your depression and the potential birth defects caused by Zoloft. Unfortunately, in some instances the manufacturer of Zoloft failed to appropriately inform physicians of the full risks of sertraline treatments. Consequently, many doctors were ill prepared to conduct the risk balancing that their patients really needed.


Fears Nachawati attorneys believe that Zoloft victims deserve their day in court. That’s why we’re assembling a class action lawsuit designed to hold the responsible parties accountable. Is your family a victim of Zoloft? We understand the trauma, pain, and anger that you’re feeling. Find out what we can do for you by contacting us for your free consultation. Call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We can help.

Drug Litigation

Does Your Newborn Suffer from Seizures and Other Abnormalities?