When you choose to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle and drive, you are taking on certain responsibilities.
Texas law requires you to exercise reasonable care when driving to avoid harming others. A person who fails to fulfill this responsibility may be found negligent and be held legally and financially responsible for the injuries and damage they caused as a result of that negligence.
In Texas, one of the most important driver responsibilities is the duty to maintain a “proper lookout.”
“Proper lookout” is a term used to describe a driver’s responsibility to intelligently and carefully observe the road, other motorists and their general surroundings while driving. As a driver, you have a duty to take reasonable steps to avoid car accidents.
The proper lookout standard is used by Texas courts to help determine who is at fault for a car accident.
Other driver responsibilities include:
- Driving at a reasonable speed for the current conditions
- Keeping your car in good repair and working order
- Maintaining control of your vehicle
If you have been injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you should seek the immediate advice of a qualified Texas personal injury attorney. At Fears | Nachawati, we provide free legal advice to car accident victims.