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FDA Warns Paxil’s Pregnant Patients of Birth Defects

Paxil (paroxetine) increases the risk of birth defects if pregnant women take it during their first trimester, according to a recent finding by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA warns that the risk to the fetus is real and cautions physicians to advise patients of the fact that their paroxetine treatments could result in life-threatening and life-altering ailments, including heart defects such as PPHN.


Are you a Paxil patient whose child was born with birth defects? Your rights – and the rights of your child – may have been violated by the Paxil manufacturer’s failure to appropriately warn you or your physician of the risks of its dangerous drug. What do you need to do to know if you have a case? Call the dangerous drug expert attorneys at Fears Nachawati.


Our specialists are prepared to explain in detail your rights, the obligations of drug manufacturers, and the ways that we can fight for you and your family. Justice is within your reach. All you have to do is contact us! For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to fight for you!

Drug Litigation

FDA Warns Paxil Pregnant Patients of Birth Defects