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Foreign Regulators Raise New Questions About Xarelto

Foreign regulators in Australia are questioning whether additional blood monitoring on new anticoagulants would make the drugs safer. These drugs include Pradaxa, Eliquis and more specifically, Xarelto. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration recently announced this month that it had completed a review of new oral anticoagulants like Xarelto and have concluded that regular blood monitoring would not improve the drugs. The group came to this conclusion because there is very little usable data from the manufacturers themselves since they have not tested whether monitoring would help patients.

So far, hundreds of Xarelto lawsuits have been filed against Bayer and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The drug has been linked to a significant number of complications and negative side effects. Originally, the drug was advertised as a “one-size-fits-all” drug and an alternative to traditional warfarin. However, the drug has no antidote which for patients, can result in uncontrollable bleeding. If not stopped in time, these side effects can be deadly for those taking Xarelto.

Legal Commentary
Xarelto attorneys within our firm are studying, examining and investigating current Xarelto claims on behalf of people and their families who may have been injured by the drug. Some of the side effects include hemorrhaging, internal bleeding, stroke and or death. If you or a loved one has experienced any side effects while taking Xarelto, contact our Xarelto lawyers to discuss the facts of your potential case. We are available by phone for a free consultation at 1.866.705.7584 or by email at


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