Stress urinary incontinence (SUI), a common aliment in women after pregnancy or after menopause, may be addressed through non-invasive as well as surgical solutions. Tragically, thousands of women suffering from SUI have experienced more pain and discomfort from their SUI surgery than from SUI itself. In many cases – and possibly yours – this pain and discomfort may be the result of a violation of their legal rights.
If you’ve had SUI surgery, you’ve likely undergone a medical procedure known as a “sling procedure.” Your doctor likely performed a tension-free transvaginal sling (TVT) procedure, a transobturator (TOT) sling procedure, or a mini-sling procedure. Whatever the type, if you’re experiencing considerable pain and discomfort following your surgery, you should consult a legal professional regarding your rights.
Fears Nachawati has worked for years to protect the rights of victims, including patients just like you. Don’t suffer in silence. Talk to our legal experts today to find out whether your rights have been violated and whether you may be reimbursed for the financial costs, physical discomfort, and emotional suffering you’ve faced as a result. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email