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How do courts calculate pain and suffering?

In a Texas personal injury lawsuit, one type of damages you may be awarded is compensation for your pain and suffering. Calculating the financial value of an accident victim’s pain and suffering is a challenge. Because there are no hard numbers to point to, such as with medical bills or lost wages, courts must instead weigh a variety of factors to come up with a big picture of how the victim has been affected by the accident.

Factors that a court considers when valuing a victim’s pain and suffering include:

  • The extent of the injury
  • How the injury has affected the victim’s ability to perform day-to-day activities
  • How the injury has affected the victim’s enjoyment of life
  • The length of the victim’s recovery time
  • What was involved in the treatment and recovery process
  • Whether any emotional trauma was suffered
  • The extent to which the injury is permanent or carries residual effects
  • The pain and suffering the victim will continue to experience in the future

Pain and suffering is a concept that is intangible and quite subjective. However, a Texas personal injury attorney can work from their experience and knowledge of past similar cases to provide you with a likely financial estimate of your pain and suffering.

If you are experience pain and suffering because of the injuries you incurred in an accident, contact Fears Nachawati today for free legal advice. Email us at or call us on our toll-free number at 1.866.705.7584 for a free consultation.

Personal Injury

How do courts calculate pain and suffering?