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How Has Pradaxa Changed Your Life?

Quality of life is important. In the medical context, the issue of quality is crucial. Many drugs provide risks and rewards, benefits and detriments. While it is perfectly appropriate for drug makers to put drugs on the market that carry risks, side effects, and detriments, it is not legally permissibly for manufacturers to obfuscate a drug’s risk-reward reality or deliberately confuse consumers so as to manipulate their decision-making.


For some Pradaxa patients, an obfuscated reality and manipulated decision-making process may be precisely what happened. Pradaxa carries a 33 percent higher heart attack risk that similar anti-clotting medications, such as Warfarin, according to one recent study. Unfortunately, a number of Pradaxa patients didn’t realize the full risks of this choice – and suffered life-changing consequences as a result.


Has your experience with Pradaxa give rise to a products liability lawsuit? The answer may surprise you. To find out the answer to this and many other important questions, talk to the attorneys and dedicated professionals at Fears Nachawati today. We know how to help you. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

Drug Litigation

How Has Pradaxa Changed Your Life?