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How soon should I file a personal injury lawsuit?

You should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible following your accident. The sooner you seek legal advice, the better preserved the evidence will be and the fresher the memories of your witnesses will be.

Every state, including Texas, has a statute of limitations. A statute of limitations limits the amount of time in which you have to bring your personal injury lawsuit. In general, the statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in Texas is two years. That time period, however, can be extended under certain circumstances. It is important that you seek the immediate advice of a personal injury attorney to be sure that you preserve your legal rights.

Just because you should consult with a personal injury attorney quickly, however, does not mean that you should settle quickly. In order to ensure that you receive full and fair compensation for your injuries, you must allow enough time for a full diagnosis to be made and for your injuries to resolve themselves.

You should never sign a release or agree to a settlement for your personal injury claim until you have had the opportunity to speak with a Texas personal injury attorney. To receive free legal advice on your claim, contact the Texas personal injury lawyers of Fears | Nachawati today.


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Personal Injury

How soon should I file a personal injury lawsuit?