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How To End The Vicious Downward Cycle Of Credit Card Debt

Many people who are in over their heads with credit card debt are basically “Robbing Peter to pay Paul”. For example, many people who are out of work may be taking large cash advances to pay other debts. But in the end the credit card bill with the cash advance shows up and there is not enough money to pay it, so another credit card is used to pay that bill. It’s a merry go round that is very difficult to get off.


Many Dallas residents end up going through their savings account and putting themselves in heavy debt without realizing that they have a perfectly legal option such as filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Some of the advantages of filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy:


  • You do not have to make payments to creditors
  • Creditors can not take action against you (liens on paycheck or bank account)
  • Harassing phone calls must stop immediately
  • All debts will be discharged

If you are a resident of Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Garland, Rowlett, Mesquite and Plano, contact bankruptcy law firm, Fears | Nachawati, toll free at 1.866.705.7584 or for more information how Chapter 7 can help you get a fresh start.



How To End The Vicious Downward Cycle Of Credit Card Debt