If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you may feel like the you’re the only one. You’re not alone. In fact, more than one million people filed for bankruptcy in 2008.
There is a misconception that filing for bankruptcy is about “cheating the system.” The truth is, however, most people who file for bankruptcy do so after a life-changing event that puts them in financial constraints.
Filing for bankruptcy is not a sign of personal failure. More often than not, a person files for bankruptcy because circumstances beyond their control have caused them to fall further and further behind on their bills.
One of the most common reasons for filing for bankruptcy is a serious illness. Other reasons include job loss and divorce. These three reasons account for more than 90% of all bankruptcy filings. In these cases, an already difficult situation is compounded by mounting debt and worries over foreclosure and repossession.
Bankruptcy helps individuals who have found themselves in financial straits by wiping the slate clean. Bankruptcy can give you a fresh start, and many people who have filed for bankruptcy have gone on to get their life back in order and earn back their good credit.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, contact Fears | Nachawati today for free legal assistance. To speak with one of our Texas bankruptcy lawyers, simply email us or phone us toll free at 1.866.705.7584.