If you’ve recently had a transvaginal mesh (TVM) surgery, it’s important to know whether your current physical conditions are connected to TVM side effects. TVM side effects are fairly rare, but they nevertheless have caused pain and suffering to thousands of patients. Knowing whether your current medical condition is related to your TVM surgery will give you important information on how to move forward.
Some of the most commonly associated TVM injuries include mesh contraction, mesh erosion, organ perforation, and hemorrhage. For some patients, the pain can be so severe that they aren’t able to engage in common tasks, such as sitting still for a normal period of time or engaging in sexual activity.
Are you experiencing TVM side effects? The attorneys at the Dallas law firm of Fears Nachawati can help you understand whether your current health conditions are related to your past TVM surgery. With years of legal experience, we can also help you appreciate whether filing a legal action is a choice you should make. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email mn@fnlawfirm.com. We’re ready to help you.