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Lawsuit terminology: Petition and Answer

In Texas, the document used to initiate a civil lawsuit is called a petition. In the petition, the person bringing the lawsuit (the plaintiff) describes the nature of the dispute, explains why the person being sued (the defendant) should be held responsible and asks the court to take a specific action, such as awarding the plaintiff monetary damages.

The answer is the defendant’s written response to the petition. In the answer, the defendant will either admit or deny the allegations made by the plaintiff in the petition. An answer will also set forth any defenses the defendant has to the plaintiff’s claims as well as ask the court to decide in the defendant’s favor.

If you are considering filing a Texas lawsuit, the first step you should take is to contact an attorney to discuss your legal options. At Fears | Nachawati, we will provide you with free legal advice about Texas lawsuits and answer all of your questions about the Texas civil litigation process. For your free legal consultation, email us at or call us on our toll-free number at 1.866.705.7584.



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Lawsuit terminology: Petition and Answer