Forest Laboratories, the U.S. manufacturer of Lexapro, a dangerous antidepressant, has been involved in several Lexapro-related lawsuits in recent years. For instance, two employees filed whistleblower actions alleging that Forest illegally marketed Lexapro to children, among other allegations. Additionally, dozens of victims and their families have also accused Forest of its failure to warn consumers that Lexapro could encourage thoughts of suicide and cause violent behavior.
Now, the manufacturers of Lexapro are also under legal attack for their failure to warn pregnant women that this dangerous drug would put patients’ unborn children at risk of serious, permanent birth defects, including premature birth, miscarriage, clubbed foot, cleft lip, and spina bifida, to name just a few.
Fortunately for Lexapro victims like you and your family, the legal experts at Fears Nachawati are fighting back. You, your child, and your family deserve justice for the physical pain and mental anguish Forest Laboratories’ dangerous product has caused. Contact us today to find out how we can help you. For your free consultation, call 1.866.545.8364 or email