Legal Recourse For Sales Engineers Suffering From Asbestos Poisoning
Sales engineers are among the many occupations linked to serious illnesses like asbestos poisoning or mesothelioma. While a person can be exposed to asbestos even while at home, the risk of getting mesothelioma is greater for sales engineers because of the nature of their jobs.
Guidelines on occupational safety and hazard have confirmed how sales engineers working in and for factories that are manufacturing asbestos products have a greater risk of getting asbestos poisoning. They may not be showing symptoms of asbestosis, mesothelioma, or lung cancer currently. This is due to the long period of latency, which allows the symptoms of the illness to show up even 10 – 40 years after exposure to asbestos. It is important to take note that even a small particle of asbestos dust can kill.
Testing for Mesothelioma
If you are a sales engineer and you have been exposed to asbestos, then it is best to have yourself tested for any of the common illnesses related to asbestos poisoning. If you tested positive to any of these illnesses like lung cancer, mesothelioma, pleural plaque, or asbestosis, then you might be entitled to legal compensation.
Once you confirm the result of asbestos poisoning, then it is time for you to choose a law firm that will file the lawsuit for you. But first, you have to consult with an attorney experienced in mesothelioma claims, so he can advise you on the proper steps to take before filing a lawsuit for asbestos poisoning.
Mesothelioma Lawsuits
Thousands of people all over the world, who have been exposed to asbestos, have filed cases against asbestos manufacturers, and many of them have already been awarded damages and legal compensation for the injuries that they have suffered as a result of asbestos poisoning. Sales engineers who have directly or indirectly worked with asbestos manufacturing companies have a chance of winning a mesothelioma lawsuit.
If you think you exhibit the symptoms of asbestos poisoning and you got it in the line of duty as a sales engineer, then do not waste time and consult an attorney immediately. There is such a thing as statute of limitations, which provides certain time limits for the filing of cases. Failure to file the case before the deadline will negate your right to file the case, even if you are already dying of asbestos or any other lung related disease.
If you belong to this occupation or aready feel the symptoms of asbestos poisoning, then contact the Asbestos Poison Law Firm of Fears & Nachawati. Our Asbestos Attorneys are standing by to assist you. Contact us for a free consultation and case analysis at 214-890-0711.