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More Doctors Are Now Warning Parents to Stop Using Lidocaine Solutions for Babies That Are Teething

In June of this year, the FDA released a warning to doctors and parents alike about the risk of using lidocaine solutions to numb the pain the babies and toddlers experience while teething. The FDA, along with many doctors, have warned parents to stop using medications that claim to do so as soon as possible.

A medicated topical numbing gel that comes in either the form of lidocaine or benzocaine is usually used or suggested as babies between the ages of 6 months and 3 year begin to get a new tooth. The medications, however, have been linked to serious side effects or even death. These side effects include seizures, confusion, and heart abnormalities. Furthermore, because the amount used is sometimes difficult to measure, parents usually end up using too much. Given that the medication only works for a few minutes, many doctors now agree that the risk is clearly not worth it.

The FDA has also previously sent out warnings related to OTC topical benzocaine teething medications, which have resulted in a rare but life-threatening condition called methemoglobinemia. Some OTC benzocaine gels and liquids are sold under brand names such as Anbesol, Hurricaine, Orajel, Baby Orajel, and Orabase.

If you or someone you know has been injured by a product that the FDA later recalled or added strict warnings to, you deserve to understand the full extent of your legal rights and the compensation you may be entitled to receive. In such cases, you may be subject to a pressing statute of limitations (the deadline to make a claim), or you may be at risk of losing evidence critical to your case; therefore, it is essential that you act quickly to preserve your rights. The attorneys at Fears | Nachawati are national leaders in product recall cases and will be happy to assist you. For a free attorney consultation, please call 1.866.705.7584 or send an email to

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