A study published earlier this year in the Archives of General Psychiatry found a relationship between a pregnant mother’s use of selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), including Prozac, and an increased risk that the child will have autism spectrum disorder.
This study is groundbreaking in two important respects. First, unlike previous findings, the 2011 study determined that use of Prozac up to twelve months prior to delivery elevated the risk of birth defects. Previous studies have merely concluded that SSRI consumption during pregnancy impacted the probability of fetal birth defects.
Second, unlike previous inquiries which have focused on heart and lung defects, the Archives of General Psychiatry study showed a new class of birth defect: autism. In fact, the study concluded that intense exposure to Prozac – that is, SSRI exposure during the first trimester – quadrupled the risk of autism spectrum disorder. These findings suggest that the potential harms associated with SSRI are even greater than previously thought.
Fears Nachawati is leading the defense of SSRI victims’ rights. If your child suffers from birth defects, including PPHN, lung defects, and autism, and you took Prozac during your pregnancy, it may be time to speak to our dangerous drug experts. Your free consultation is just a phone call or email away. Call 1.866.545.8364 or email mn@fnlawfirm.com.