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Questions to ask when choosing a credit counseling agency


In order to file for bankruptcy, you must first get credit counseling from a government-approved agency.

To get started, visit the U.S. Trustee Program website for a list of approved credit counseling providers.

It’s a mistake, however, to simply pick a counselor off the list at random. To be sure that you get the best counseling for your time and money, there are some questions you should ask before selecting a credit counselor.

Call several of the agencies provided on the list and ask them the following questions in order to make a wise decision about your credit counseling:

  • What are your fees?
  • What if I am unable to afford your fees?
  • What services do you provide?
  • Can you assist me in creating a plan for avoiding financial pitfalls in the future?
  • What qualifications do your counselors hold?
  • What type of training and accreditations do your counselors have?
  • How do you protect my information to ensure that it is kept confidential?
  • Do your employees receive additional pay if they get me to sign up for certain services or pay a fee?

A reputable credit counseling agency will have no problem answering these questions. If you have any questions about the bankruptcy process, you can contact the Texas bankruptcy attorneys of Fears | Nachawati for free legal assistance.


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Questions to ask when choosing a credit counseling agency