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Second Half of Pregnancy Most Dangerous for Pregnant Celexa Patients

According to prominent health care experts, Celexa (citalopram) has been associated with fetal persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) as well as birth defects affecting a newborn’s heart, brain and skull, and abdominal organs. Moreover, ingestion of Celexa (citalopram) during the second half of a woman’s pregnancy markedly increases the probability that the developing child will be born with these birth defects.


Is this news to you? Unfortunately, the fact that the risk level of Celexa (citalopram) and other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) changes over the life of a pregnancy is news to a lot of pregnant patients. And in many cases, these patients are left with very real feelings of regret, wishing that they had known more about this dangerous drug and done more to protect the child growing in their womb.


The parents who gave birth to injured children can’t change the past, but they can fight for their children’s future. The lawyers at Fears Nachawati fight for victims of dangerous drugs like Celexa (citalopram). Truth be told, it’s thanks to our experienced, expert attorneys and specialists that many, many victims of injury have been compensated for their suffering. We may be able to help you, too. Talk to us today for your free consultation. Just call 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to fight for you!

Drug Litigation

Second Half of Pregnancy Most Dangerous for Pregnant Celexa Patients