You know that bankruptcy can reduce your debt and give you a fresh financial start, but how do you know when it’s time to take the first step and contact a bankruptcy attorney? Here are 11 signs that it may be time for you to consider filing bankruptcy:
- You can barely afford the minimum monthly payments on your credit cards.
- You have taken, or are considering taking, cash advances or payday loans to meet your basic living expenses.
- You are losing sleep over not being able to pay your bills.
- Stress over your financial difficulties is negatively affecting your health.
- You are living paycheck to paycheck with no reserve funds for an emergency.
- You are afraid to answer the phone or go to your mailbox.
- You are taking cash advances on one credit card to make payments on another one.
- You are considering cashing out your retirement savings to pay your bills.
- Your debt is increasing rather than decreasing every month.
- You’re behind on your rent or mortgage payments.
- Your car is about to be repossessed.
If the above statements describe your current financial situation, then take charge of your life and learn about your options. Contact a bankruptcy attorney today to find out if bankruptcy is the right solution for you. The sooner you act, the sooner you can get your life back.
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