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Teen Dies After 3 months of Xarelto Use

MISSION HILLS, CA – Sean David Pulskamp died tragically after taking Xarelto for three months. The cause of death was listed as cardiopulmonary arrest, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary hypertension. Mr. Pulskamp was only 19 years old.

Growing concerns over deaths and complications from blood thinners like Xarelto are forcing leading cardiologists to reconsider prescribing them. These risks and trends should not be ignored. Patients nationwide are reporting serious life-threatening issues after taking Xarelto, such as uncontrolled internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, stroke and/or death.

Legal Commentary
Fears Nachawati’s Xarelto attorneys are studying, examining and investigating Xarelto claims on behalf of people and their families who may have been injured by the drug. Although no monetary amount can compensate for the loss of a loved one, a successful claim against the responsible parties will enable the victim’s family to cover any medical or final expenses, so that they may focus on the grieving process during this trying time. If you or a loved one experienced any side effects while taking Xarelto, contact our Xarelto lawyers to discuss the facts of your potential case. We are available by phone for a free consultation at +1.866.813.1662 or by email at

Drug Litigation