One of the most common questions people have about Texas car accident lawsuits is how to determine who is at fault. In Texas, courts use the “proper lookout” standard to help determine whether a driver was negligent.
“Proper lookout” refers to a driver’s responsibility to carefully and intelligently observe the traffic around them and the general circumstances in the vicinity while driving. The proper lookout standard is the duty of all drivers to pay attention to both the road and other drivers and take reasonable steps to guard against car accidents.
If a driver does not meet the proper lookout standard, then they can be found negligent and held legally responsible for the harm caused by their negligence.
If you have been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, contact Fears | Nachawati to receive free legal advice from a Texas personal injury lawyer. For your free legal assistance, simply email us at or call our toll-free number at 1.866.705.7584.