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The Risks of Lexapro: Abdominal Birth Defects

Tragically, one of the most serious of Lexapro-related birth defect risks is one of its most common: omphalocele. For infants born with omphalocele, their abdominal organs protrude from their belly button, covered with a thin, translucent wall of tissue. To repair this birth defect, medical professionals are required to engage in surgery, a perennial challenge for neonates who are just beginning to adjust to life outside the womb.


Were your child’s birth defects related to your Lexapro prescription? What are the legal effects of this possible relationship? Does the law afford protection for you, your child, and your family?


These are natural questions to ask – and important ones to answer. Fortunately, the attorneys at the Dallas-based law firm of Fears Nachawati may be able to help you and your loved ones answer some of these critical questions. Find out whether we can help you and your family by contacting us today. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to fight for you!

Drug Litigation

The Risks of Lexapro: Abdominal Birth Defects