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Three Publications Discuss Bladder Cancer Concern for Actos

A recent study published in Pediatrics determined that nearly one in four American adolescents may soon develop Type 2 diabetes, a sharp increase from demographics of just ten years ago. This finding couldn’t come at a worse time, as medical professionals and Type 2 diabetes patients and their families worry about the medium-term effects of Actos (pioglitazone).


Actos, a commonly prescribed medication used to combat Type 2 diabetes, has been sharply criticized in a Kaiser Permanente study, a French Medicines Agency study, and a repot by the American Diabetes Association report. In each of these publications, researchers found a correlation between pioglitazone, an active ingredient in Actos, and bladder cancer. Moreover, strong reason exists that as cumulative pioglitazone treatments increase – usually around the one-year mark – the probability of a patient developing bladder cancer jumps significantly, as much as 40 percent.


The attorneys at the Dallas law firm of Fears Nachawati know how to fight for you and your loved ones if you’re an Actos patient facing an uncertain future. The effects of Actos are potentially very serious. We know how to help you understand the situation you’re facing – and the legal steps you may consider. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to fight for you!

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Three Publications Discuss Bladder Cancer Concern for Actos