Suddenly finding yourself unemployed can wreak havoc on your self-esteem not to mention wreaking havoc on your finances. According to the Dallas Business Journal unemployment rates rose across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in August. Ronny Congleton Commissioner of the Texas Workforce Commission said that, “although the Texas unemployment rate of 5 percent is below the U.S. rate of 6.1 percent, it is still a matter of concern.” Not many people have enough savings to finance themselves throughout months of unemployment yet it is believed that it will take the average unemployed person three months to find their next job. Without a doubt you should start looking for a new job right away to deal with your financial situation, but what if it takes longer than you anticipated. Declining bank accounts leave you with little options. If you are feeling the crunch of unemployment and do not seem to have enough money to pay your bills bankruptcy may be an option for you. For a free bankruptcy consultation contact Fears | Nachawati Law Firm, Phone (866) 705-7584.
Fears | Nachawati Law Firm has offices located throughout Texas in: Dallas / Fort Worth / Houston / San Antonio / and Austin.