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What Are the Symptoms of a Transvaginal Mesh Complication?

Transvaginal mesh complications are far more frequent – and painful – than many patients realize. Used as a means of treating women with pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI), a transvaginal mesh is a medical device which numerous medical experts have found causes uncomfortable and potentially serious side effects. In fact, these concerns have resulted in the FDA issuing strong warnings against the use of transvaginal mesh devices and many victims to file lawsuits aimed at protecting their rights and recovering for their injury.


If you’ve undergone transvaginal mesh surgery, you should know of the symptoms associated with the medical device in your body. If you experience vaginal bleeding, discomfort, infection, pain during sexual intercourse, or scarring and shrinkage, you should contact the dedicated attorneys at Fears Nachawati immediately. With years of experience and dedicated expertise, we’re ready to help you. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

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What Are the Symptoms of a Transvaginal Mesh Complication?