On the basis of medical findings showing a possible connection between Lexapro (escitalopram) and serious birth defects, the nation’s leading health agency, the Food and Drug Administration, gave Lexapro a Category C pregnancy rating. Although Lexapro-related risks may be present at all stages of pregnancy, data suggest the risk is highest in the third trimester.
For most pregnant Lexapro patients, the risks of this powerful SSRI drug are merely speculative. However, for a tragic number of families, Lexapro’s potential harms have become actual birth defects. Birth defects associated with Lexapro include low birth weight, neonatal withdrawal, respiratory distress, and PPHN.
Are you ready to find out whether your child’s birth defects are related to your Lexapro prescription and how the law protects the rights of Lexapro victims? The dedicated and experienced attorneys at Fears Nachawati are ready to give you the advice you need. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email mn@fnlawfirm.com.