A job-related injury can be the result of a single incident or the culmination of repeated exposure to a dangerous activity or substance. A single-incident workplace injury, for example, could occur on a construction site when a worker falls from a piece of scaffolding or is struck by a vehicle. Prolonged exposure to hazardous materials, such as asbestosis, can cause mesothelioma or lung cancer. Whether the injury is incurred instantly or takes years to develop, both can be classified as job-related injuries.
A third type of job-related injury is one in which a medical condition or injury you already have is worsened by your employment.
Note that you do not have to be on the employer’s premises in order to sustain a job-related injury. Job-related injuries can occur at any event you are required to attend by your employer and at any time during which you are on pay status.
If you have suffered a job-related injury, contact Fears | Nachawati today for free legal advice. You will receive a no charge legal consultation with one of our Texas personal injury attorneys. Simply email us at info@fnlawfirm.com or call our toll-free number at 1.866.705.7584.