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What Makes Your Zoloft Case Unique

A Zoloft (sertraline) lawsuit stemming from your child’s neonatal injury is unique from most other types of litigation. For many victims, the uniqueness of this kind of lawsuit means that they want a dedicated and knowledgeable Zoloft lawyer who is prepared to address some of the particular challenges present in SSRI antidepressant litigation.


First, understanding how to present your family’s evidence of injury in a persuasive and appropriate manner can be challenging in the context of scientific uncertainty and ongoing disputes in the medical literature. Second, managing the procedural steps of filing a claim against a pharmaceudical giant at the proper time and in the proper venue takes experience and expertise. Finally, arriving at an accurate and appropriate damages estimate requires a comprehensive appreciation for the type of injury you’ve experienced.


Fortunately, the attorneys at the Dallas law firm of Fears Nachawati know how to balance the challenges associated with your Zoloft litigation. With years of experience and dedicated expertise, we know how to advise victims like you. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email Let us help you and your family.

Drug Litigation

What Makes Your Zoloft Case Unique