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What to Look for in a Family Law Attorney

If you find yourself in a situation related to family law, such as going through a divorce or dealing with child custody and visitation rights, then you will need the help of a family law attorney in Texas. There is no doubt that family law cases can be contentious and stressful for all parties involved, but a good family law attorney can help make the process more manageable as you pass through what is often the most difficult period in many people’s lives.

The temptation may be to rely solely on the credentials of an attorney, but there are many other factors you should have in mind when choosing a family law attorney to best represent you.


Some attorneys have a general practice where they take on many different kinds of legal matters, but if you’re considering a divorce, then you don’t want a lawyer who only handles personal injury cases or specializes in estate planning. You should be sure to ask your potential lawyer how much of their practice consists of family law cases and whether they have handled cases or situations similar to yours.


Of central importance is finding a lawyer with whom you feel comfortable communicating with openly and freely, so you can readily explain your primary concerns or desired outcomes. Not only this, but when you voice those questions or concerns, the attorney should answer you in a way that makes sense and is easily understandable. Having a lawyer who makes you feel uncomfortable or confused will only add more stress to an already difficult time.

The best lawyer-client relationships are those based on trust and communication while acting in partnership. You should be asking yourself questions like: Do they answer my questions completely and honestly? Do I feel like I can trust this person? Do they explain things in a way I understand?

If the answers are no, then it is clearly not a good fit.


This should go without saying, but finding a lawyer who acts and behaves in a professional matter is also important. This means that the attorney speaks and behaves in an intelligent and professional manner, returns calls promptly, and are on top of important deadlines, which will move your case forward to conclusion.


It’s important to talk about money with your prospective lawyer so you know what to expect to get the results you want without draining your bank account or handing over a blank check. While the client may be nervous or uncomfortable discussing fees, it’s important to note that attorneys are accustomed to discussing fees and costs upfront and are attuned to the fact that clients need to budget wisely.

Ideally, you need to find an experienced, trustworthy lawyer that you are personally compatible with and which will work within your budget. Going through a divorce or fighting for child custody is never an easy experience, which is why you need a great family law attorney on your side who will allow you to focus on what matters most—your family.

We are confident that the Houston family lawyers at Fears Nachawati are among the best at what they do, but we encourage you to decide for yourself. That’s why we offer a free, no obligation legal consultation to discuss the needs of your case and to help guide you through this difficult and trying situation.

To schedule your consultation please call (866) 705-7584 or visit the offices of Fears Nachawati located throughout the great state of Texas, including in Houston, Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, and San Antonio.

Family Law