Medical expenses are at the heart of any Texas personal injury lawsuit. The goal of a personal injury lawsuit is to put the victim back into the position they would have been in if the accident had never occurred. An important part of that is compensating the accident victim for the various medical-related expenses they have incurred.
There are a wide variety of medical expenses that you can seek compensation for. These include both past and future medical expenses. That is, you can be compensated not only for the expenses you have already incurred but also for those you are likely to incur in the future as a result of the injuries you suffered in the accident.
The types of medical expenses you can recover in a Texas personal injury lawsuit include but are not limited to:
- Doctor bills
- Hospital care
- Medication
- Surgery
- Medical equipment, such as wheelchairs and braces
- In-house nursing care and assistance
- Prosthetics
- Modification to your home to accommodate a disability
- Special furniture
- Rehabilitation
- X-rays
- Lab and test fees
If you have been injured in an accident, contact Fears | Nachawati today to discuss the damages you are eligible to recover. One of our skilled and experienced attorneys will provide you with free legal advice about Texas personal injury lawsuits. Email us at or call our toll-free number at 1.866.705.7584.