What should patients do when their transvaginal mesh surgery fails? Sadly, hundreds of women must face this reality every week. They find that their pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or stress urinary incontinence (SUI) symptoms are back and that the mesh inserted in their bodies is now causing additional pain and discomfort.
It’s important to understand the scope of this problem. Health scholars, doctors, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have each noted the frequency with which some POP and SUI patients have experienced adverse health events following their TVM surgery. While some adverse events have been minor, others have been very serious.
Want to learn how the dedicated professionals at Fears Nachawati can help you understand the intersection of your legal rights and the medical reality you face? Find out if you want our team of attorneys to fight for you by calling or emailing us today. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email mn@fnlawfirm.com.