Everyday our attorneys speak to individuals who have been involved in motor vehicle accidents and other serious incidents that have drastically changed their lives. Most people are aware that the State of Texas requires its citizens to carry insurance on their vehicle, some people are aware that the State requires these policies to provide at least $30,000 in coverage in the event that their negligent client causes harm to you, but very few people are aware of how the process actually works.
If you have been involved in an accident where insurance is involved, it is important to know and understand your rights. If there is an insurance policy involved in your accident, you will likely receive a call from an insurance adjuster very early on in the process. The adjuster will ask you to make a recorded or in person statement about how your accident occurred. While it is advisable to make this statement with an attorney on your side, it is not required.
The purpose of this statement is for the insurance company to determine who is liable for the accident. “Liable” being the legal term for who is at fault. After liability is determined, the insurance company for the party or parties deemed not to be at fault will quickly disappear. Even though it is possible that an insurance company will accept liability for your accident and that they will have adequate money to compensate you for your injuries or lost income per State law, final resolution of the case is unlikely to be easy and oftentimes is unfair.
Every dollar that an insurance company keeps away from you is a dollar retained for their profit, to sponsor Super Bowl commercials, to sponsor multiple spots in the baseball outfield. Even if the insurance company accepts liability for your accident, they will pursue every chance they have to limit the liability to 80%, to 60%, or lower, in order to pay you less. Was it sunny that day so you couldn’t see clearly? When was your last phone call? You told the officer you weren’t hurt that badly, right?
The insurance company will fight you for every dollar even though the State of Texas requires their client to pay them every single month. They sponsor baseball stadiums with their profits. Who is on your side?
Further questions can be directed to the Fears | Nachawati Law Firm by emailing the lead personal injury lawyer, Majed Nachawati at mn@fnlawfirm.com, or by calling our office at 1.866.705.7584.