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Your Creditors are Coming!

In his famous midnight ride, Paul Revere made phase a simple phrase, “The British are coming!” The Boston silversmith didn’t say much on his ride into the history books, but he said what mattered: the nature of the threat and the way the threat would appear – not by land, but by sea.

One of the most important reasons why you need a dedicated bankruptcy attorney is to issue the warning you need when you face financial difficulty: the nature of the threat your creditors pose and the way that threat may appear. So, just how might creditors come if you default on your payments?

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that you lenders will come after assets you purchased on credit. Your car, your home and consumer products like a television or furniture may all be subject to repossession or foreclosure.

What may surprise you is that your creditors may also come after your intangible assets, such as bank accounts or earned wages. These repossession efforts can be highly disruptive and embarrassing and may result in your family, friends, co-workers and supervisors knowing that you’re experiencing money problems.

The bottom line is that if you’re facing financial distress and falling behind in your payments, in a matter of days or weeks you could lose your car, your income and your house. You can prevent the harshest effects of this process, but you need to act promptly and deliberately.

Calling the experienced attorneys at Fears Nachawati may be the right first step for you and your family. With years of experience, we know how to advise you on your legal rights with respect to your creditors. Contact us today for your free consultation.


Your Creditors are Coming!

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