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Zimmer Persona Knee May Result in Costly, Painful Revision Surgeries

Zimmer, one of the most prolific knee manufacturers, has really come under fire after recalling all of the lots and sizes of its Zimmer Persona Trabecular Metal Tibial Plate/Persona TM Tibia. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was posted in March of this year and stated that the parts had been voluntarily recalled due to reports of radiolucent lines and loosening. 

Not all medical devices are required to undergo human clinical trials and formal safety and efficacy reviews if the devices is deemed sufficiently similar to an already approved device. These medical devices can instead go through a expedited process called the 501(k) process. The Zimmer devices in question went through this quick process and therefore were not adequately tested before they were introduced to the market.

These hurried processes have consequences for patient. In this case, patients may have had to undergo revision surgery after having these particular Zimmer knee parts implanted. Revision surgeries may unfortunately involve multiple surgeries, which in turn are more costly and can be more risky than the original implant surgery. These types of surgeries can result in several painful complications as well; many times, patients do not return to their condition before their implant and their recovery may be much longer than the original surgery.

When dangerous products like the Zimmer Knee are recalled, patients are not the only ones who suffer. They will have to pay for revision surgery, physical therapy and future medical care. They may also suffer professionally and personally, since they have to take time away from their careers and families. For that reason, it’s important to demand the proper compensation.

If you or someone you love has had any of the lots or sizes C-J of the Zimmer Persona Trabecular Metal Tibial Plate implanted as part of a knee replacement surgery and have experienced pain, loosening, discomfort or have had to undergo additional revision surgery to fix these problems, you may be able to pursue a claim against Zimmer Persona. Individuals who have had problems with these implants are alleging that the company failed to test the design and perform the adequate research required before it was approved for the market.

If you or someone you know has been injured by a recalled or defective product, you deserve to understand the full extent of your legal rights and the compensation you may be entitled to receive. The attorneys at Fears | Nachawati Law Firm have successfully represented hundreds of clients who have been hurt by recalled pharmaceutical devices and products. We understand the painful and costly impact such products can cause our clients and we work hard to pursue claims against those responsible. The attorneys at Fears | Nachawati are national leaders in product recall cases and will be happy to assist you. For a free attorney consultation, please call 1.866.705.7584 or send an email to

Medical Malpractice