Pop quiz: What do Walt Disney, Mark Twain and Larry King have in common?
- They each filed a personal bankruptcy and went on to have extraordinary success in life.
Bankruptcy is not a professional or financial death sentence. Just ask Donald Trump who has filed multiple Chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcies for his casinos. Bankruptcy is a financial tool that uses the federal law to protect the honest, but unfortunate debtor. Bankruptcy allows the debtor the opportunity to restructure finances and formulate a plan to repay or discharge debt. Bankruptcy provides the debtor a fresh start to a new financial future – one free of the pressures from debt collectors. Free Consultation
Here’s another question: What honor did Kim Basinger and Burt Reynolds receive after filing personal bankruptcy?
- Each was nominated for an Academy Award in 1997. Basinger won an Oscar for best supporting actress for L.A. Confidential, and Reynolds was nominated for best supporting actor for Boogie Nights.
Bankruptcy can help you and your family build a more solid financial foundation. Henry Ford created another automobile company after his first company filed bankruptcy. It’s safe to say that Ford Motor Company would not exist today without the help of the federal bankruptcy laws. The same can be said for General Motors, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2009. Free Consultation
How can bankruptcy help you? The bankruptcy laws can stop a foreclosure sale, a pending lawsuit, and creditor harassment. Bankruptcy can protect your family assets and retirement accounts from creditors. Bankruptcy can eliminate debt or give you time to repay loans including delinquent car and home payments. The federal bankruptcy laws helped over a million people get relief during 2009, including celebrities Stephen Baldwin, Sinbad, and Bernie Kosar. Free Consultation
As Abraham Lincoln (filed bankruptcy in 1833) once said, “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.” If you are experiencing overwhelming financial difficulty, take the first step to a better future by speaking with an experienced bankruptcy attorney today.
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