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How Long Will My Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Take?

The typical Chapter 7 bankruptcy case will take three to four months.  The Bankruptcy Code has established certain deadlines during a Chapter 7 case that dictate how long the case must remain open.  Additionally, delays by the debtor, the trustee, creditors, or even the bankruptcy court can prolong a case. 

Most debtors are confused as to when the bankruptcy case is finished.  There are actually two different events that happen near the end of a Chapter 7 case: the discharge and the closing of the case.  The discharge is a permanent injunction entered by the bankruptcy judge prohibiting certain creditors from collecting from the debtor personally.  The discharge injunction is ordered near the end of the case, but cannot be entered until after the last day for creditors to file objections has passed.  That day is set by the Bankruptcy Code as 60 days after the date first scheduled for your 341 Meeting of Creditors.  The date is also listed on the 341 meeting notice. Free Consultation 

While the bankruptcy court may enter the discharge order before the case is closed, your case is not finished a final order is issued closing the case.  When there are no assets to distribute, the bankruptcy court will often enter the discharge order and the order closing the case on the same day.  If there are assets to distribute or objections to the discharge of a debt, your case may remain open for several months.  Statistically, only one in twenty five Chapter 7 cases have assets to distribute to creditors.  The typical Chapter 7 case is discharged and closed soon after the objection deadline passes. Free Consultation 

Your Chapter 7 case will likely take between three to four months from start to finish.  One of the main advantages in hiring an experienced bankruptcy attorney is the benefit of the attorney’s efficient processes that will take your case from start to finish without complication. Your attorney can identify and correct potential problems before you file your case, and avoid any delays getting you the relief you need.  If you are considering bankruptcy, consult with an experienced bankruptcy attorney and discover how the federal bankruptcy laws can help you. Free Consultation

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