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Did You Know All the Risks Associated with Paxil?

You may not know it, but Paxil (paroxetine) triples the likelihood that a pregnant woman’s unborn child will be born with birth defects, a significant increase over the probability of injury associated with Zoloft and other anti-depressants. What makes the injuries associated with Paxil particularly tragic is that Paxil is most dangerous during the first trimester. Many pregnant Paxil patients continue taking their antidepressant medication – and exposing their child to heart and neural tube defects – without knowing that they are pregnant or understanding the risks they are running.


By contrast, members of the medical profession should not be surprised by these risks. Since 2005, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had required updated product labels informing patients of the risk and has advised medical professionals not to prescribe Paxil to women who are in the first trimester of pregnancy or are planning pregnancy. Still, many patients are surprised when they learn about the dangers of Paxil. For far too many, the medical professionals who treated them did not fully or effectively communicate what could happen as a result of their Paxil prescription. The pain and suffering of this dangerous drug should not fall exclusively on under-informed patients.


The attorneys at Fears Nachawati are making sure that victims have their day in court. Our highly trained and well-experienced professionals are fighting for victims like you every day. If you’ve suffered as a result of your Paxil prescription, let us fight for you! For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

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Did You Know All the Risks Associated with Paxil?