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Zoloft Birth Defects

Zoloft (Sertraline) Birth Defects warnings from the FDA were issued in July 2006.  Pfizer manufactured Zoloft, brand names, Zoloft and Lustral, which is an antidepressant known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class of drug.  In 2007, over 29 million Zoloft prescriptions were written.  PPHN, known as Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension, is estimated to effect one to two infants per 1000 births. Birth Defects caused by Zoloft use also include omphalocele, anal atresia, limb reduction, septal defects, neural tube defects, limb defects, skull defects, club foot, cleft palate, cleft lip, cardiac defects, and abdominal birth defects. Zoloft has also been linked to an increased risk in autism.  If your child or a loved one has a birth defect due to Zoloft, you may be entitled to cash compensation.  Zoloft lawyers at our Nationwide Law Firm, Fears | Nachawati, are giving Free Zoloft Legal Information and Free Zoloft advice 24/7.  Our Zoloft attorneys are aggressively going after the manufacturer, Pfizer, for the birth defects caused by Zoloft use.  Time may be limited in filing a claim, so contact us for a free consultation about your situation and for information about zoloft claims and settlement information.  Our Zoloft lawyers can be reached by calling toll free 1.866.545.8364 or by emailing the head Zoloft Trial Lawyer at

Drug Litigation

Zoloft Birth Defects