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Did Your Husband Experience a TVM Injury?

Many transvaginal mesh (TVM) patients know about the risks that they face as a result of their mesh implant. In fact, a growing number even know that an adverse health effect – such as pain, discomfort, and emotional trauma – may entitle them to a legal reward.


What most TVM patients don’t realize, however, is that their spouse may also have a legal cause of action against the maker of TVM products. As a recent Texas plaintiff’s case makes clear, a husband may experience his own pain and discomfort as the result of having sexual relations with his TVM-implanted spouse. For these couples, fraud, negligence, and strict liability are just some of the legal theories that may produce a just settlement or verdict.


Want to know more about your rights under the law and how the attorneys at the Dallas law firm of Fears Nachawati may be able to help you? With years of experience, we know how to fight for your rights and successfully settle or litigate your claims. Your free consultation is just a phone call or email away. To get started, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to help you!

Drug Litigation

Did Your Husband Experience a TVM Injury?