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Five Questions To Ask An Austin Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Do you need an Austin motorcycle accident lawyer because you or a family member has recently been injured in a motorcycle accident?

Motorcycle owners know first-hand how much more dangerous the road can be because of negligent drivers and people unconcerned with others on the highways. At Fears Nachawati Law Firm, we have extensive experience handling motorcycle accidents, helping those motorcycle drivers get acknowledgment in the courts that they missed on the streets.

Filing a claim can be one of an exhausting exercise, which often leads many to just give up. Our law firm is persistent and we have devoted to helping you not only make your claim, but to see it through to the end.

Motorcycle injuries are debilitating and can lead to much longer hospital stays and surgeries than those in car accidents, which means riders need more protection and attention on the road and in the courtroom.

5 Questions You Might Have For an Austin Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

After a motorcycle accident, so much is going on, it is really difficult to remember everything you need to get in order. Here are several questions you should be trying to find answers to after your accident.

What Are Your Costs and Fees For a Consultation?

Call our Austin offices at (512) 535-2206 and we will be happy to discuss your options after your accident for free.

What Types of Damage Can a Motorcycle Attorney Seek For You?

There are several types of damages motorcycle accident victims should seek, including any and all of the following:

  • Serious injuries
  • Medical bills, including ambulance, hospital admission, and emergency room bills
  • Damages to the motorcycle
  • Damages to the helmet and jacket
  • Pain and suffering (both present and future)
  • Lost wages (both present and future)

Is My Motorcycle Fixable or Is It a Complete Loss?

Dealing with the insurance companies can be a huge hassle, and you need someone with experience. Getting your motorcycle fixed as soon as possible is important, but if it is a total loss, you need a rental car immediately.

Do You Have Experience in Motorcycle Accident Cases?

Obviously, we all want to have someone on our side that has been through what we’re about to endure, both medically and legally.

How Can You Help Me?

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you will need a lawyer to serve as your voice in discussions with the insurance company and in the courtroom. You need someone to file documents to try to recover compensation for your damages and losses. That motorcycle lawyer will compile evidence to build your case against the defendant, either in litigation or negotiations outside of the courtroom.

Call Fears Nachawati Law Firm, experienced Austin motorcycle accident lawyers, at (512) 535-2206, or come down to our offices at 401 Congress Avenue, in Suite 1540.

Motorcycle Accident