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How Chapter 7 Can Give You A Clean Break From Credit Card Debt

It is estimated that the average American has over $8,000 in credit card debt. It starts with one small purchase and before you know it you are using one card to pay another card off. If this sounds familiar, then filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be a great way for you to get out from under the mountain of credit card bills. When you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy practically all your credit card debts will disappear.


Additionally, all collection efforts from the credit card companies and other debts will stop. What this means is that no creditor can makes calls or take any type of action to collect on any past due bills. It also means that any liens on your bank account or wages will be lifted. To find out which debts can be waived under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it’s important for you to get in touch with an experienced Fort Worth/Tarrant area bankruptcy attorney to find out how you can start living a debt free life.



If you are feeling the stress of too many credit card bills and not enough money to pay them, then bankruptcy may be an option for you.  For a free bankruptcy consultation contact Fears | Nachawati Law Firm, (866) 705-7584.


How Chapter 7 Can Give You A Clean Break From Credit Card Debt