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How To Stop Harassing Phone Calls From Creditors

One of the most asked questions a Dallas bankruptcy lawyer hears is, “How do I stop creditors from calling me?” When someone is delinquent on their bills, creditors have the right to make collection efforts. That can include daily, repeated phone calls demanding payment for past due bills. When faced with these aggressive calls from creditors you have the following options:


  • Pay the debt
  • Make payment arrangements
  • File for bankruptcy

For most people who are behind in their bills, the first two options are not the ones they can realistically afford. At this point the best solution may be to file for a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy to stop persistent and hostile collection efforts. When you file for bankruptcy in Dallas, an automatic stay is placed on all debts. What this means is that all collection efforts, including phone calls, must stop right away. Most creditors know they are not allowed to continue contacting you after you file for bankruptcy. If they continue, they can be fined in bankruptcy court.


For more specific information on how bankruptcy can help stop endless phone calls from creditors and give you peace of mind, contact Dallas bankruptcy law firm, Fears | Nachawati Law Firm toll free at (866) 705-7584 or via e-mail at for a free bankruptcy consultation.



How To Stop Harassing Phone Calls From Creditors