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Is child support dischargeable in bankruptcy?

Non-custodial parents facing mounting debts sometimes turn to bankruptcy as a way to get out from under their financial burdens. However, child support is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

In fact, the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994 in part provides greater protection for debts owed to children and former spouses. These “domestic support obligations,” as they are sometimes referred to, are given high priority over other debts by the courts.

Also, if you owe back child support payments, you will still be responsible for those payments even if you successfully file for bankruptcy.

While bankruptcy will not relieve a parent of current or back child support obligations, it may still be a way to get back on track with your payments. By discharging other unsecured debts, such as credit card bills, you will free up money that can be put towards your domestic support obligations. 

To learn more about whether bankruptcy is the right option for you, contact the Texas bankruptcy lawyers of Fears | Nachawati for free legal advice. Simply email us or phone us toll free at 1.866.705.7584.

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Is child support dischargeable in bankruptcy?