Personal injury settlements are one way of resolving a personal injury lawsuit. Rather than going through with a trial and obtaining a verdict from a judge or jury, the plaintiff and defendant can choose to settle the case between themselves. The legally binding agreement reached by the two parties is known as a settlement.
When you enter into a personal injury settlement, you – the plaintiff – agree not to pursue any legal action against the defendant with regard to a specific claim (such as a car accident) in return for an agreed upon amount of money.
Personal injury settlements can be beneficial to both sides of the dispute. Settlements are typically quicker and less expensive than a trial. Also, trials can be very stressful for both parties. With a settlement, you can avoid prolonged litigation, and you can choose to structure your settlement in a way that benefits you most.
However, a personal injury settlement may not be in a plaintiff’s best interest in all cases. There are times when moving forward with the lawsuit and going to trial will result in a bigger award. Only a qualified personal injury attorney can advise you on whether a personal injury lawsuit is the wisest course of action given your circumstances.
To speak with a personal injury lawyer today, contact Fears | Nachawati. Simply email us or phone us toll free at 1.866.705.7584 to receive free legal advice from one of our Texas personal injury attorneys.