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Specificity of Warning at Issue with Pradaxa

For patients considering or taking dangerous drugs, it’s not only important to outline the potential risks of a particular medication, but also the relative probability and severity of those risks. Sadly, that doesn’t always occur – and the results can be serious.


In the wake of several reports of severe bleeding events, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has initiated a review of the blood thinner Pradaxa. While Pradaxa’s label does mention the risk of bleeding events, FDA officials and health care observers are concerned that current labeling may insufficiently warn patients.


Consumers of health products deserve a full, straightforward presentation of the relative risks associated with their health decisions. If you’ve been misled by Pradaxa’s product labeling and you’ve experienced an adverse health effect as a result, it may be time to talk to the professionals at the law firm of Fears Nachawati. With years of experience in this complex area of the law, we know how to advise you. Contact our attorneys today for your free consultation. Call 1.866.545.8364 or email

Drug Litigation

Specificity of Warning at Issue with Pradaxa