The number of Texas homeowners filing for bankruptcy to avoid foreclosure on their homes is on the rise according to a recent study.
An analysis of post-bankruptcy cases of homeowners in 60 Texas counties was done by Foreclosure Listing Service. Included in the study were bankruptcy cases filed in courts in Dallas, Fort Worth, Sherman, San Antonio, Houston and Austin.
In their analysis, Foreclosure Listing Service found that $2.28 billion worth of real estate was affected by a bankruptcy filing in 2009. That’s an increase of 26% over the $1.92 billion figure from 2008.
The overall number of properties affected was higher, too. In 2008, 11,171 properties were affected by bankruptcy. In 2009, the number increased by 9% to 12,170.
The U.S. bankruptcy court in Fort Worth handled 3,154 properties affected by a post-bankruptcy filing in 2009, up 3% from 2008 when the number was 3,064. The dollar volume increased 10% from $420.4 million in 2008 to $464.5 million in 2009.
In Dallas, the number leapt even higher. In 2009, 4,764 properties were affected by a post-bankruptcy filing, 21% higher than the 3,952 properties affected in 2008. The dollar volume saw a significant increase of 38% from $548.4 million in 2008 to $757.9 million in 2009.
For more on this look at bankruptcy and foreclosures in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, click here for the article from the Star-Telegram.
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