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What Are the Effects of Lexapro?

Lexapro, also known by its generic name, escitalopram, is leading antidepressant drug prescribed to thousands of women every year. Lexapro is a relatively new selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), released within the last ten years as an updated version of the antidepressant that preceded it, Celexa.


Lexapro is effective at addressing the medical issues it was intended to target. These ailments include depression, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and hot flashes, among other ailments related to brain activity. Tragically, Lexapro is also more dangerous than many doctors, pharmacists, and patients realize and can have debilitating unintended consequences. Recent research has revealed, in fact, that women who took Lexapro during their pregnancy were six times more likely to give birth to children with cardiopulmonary defects. In fact, the heart-related birth defect PPHN was found at the abnormally high rate of 12 cases per 1,000 births.


Despite these tragic results, many doctors continued to prescribe Lexapro in recent years and, as a result, many women gave birth to children suffering from serious – and sometimes fatal – birth defects. Does this describe the painful history of your pregnancy? Families are fighting back thanks to the help of the dangerous drug experts at Fears Nachawati. Don’t suffer in silence! Contact us today for your free consultation. Just call

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What Are the Effects of Lexapro?