After you have been in a car accident, you will most likely file a claim with your insurance company, the other driver’s insurance company or sometimes both. In order to determine how much money to offer you, the insurance company will send out an insurance adjuster to evaluate your injuries and the damage to your vehicle.
An insurance adjuster works for the insurance company, and their job is to investigate the accident and determine whether you have the basis for a claim. You may also hear them referred to as a “claims representative” or a “claims adjuster.”
If you do have a rightful insurance claim under the terms of your policy, the insurance adjuster will be the person who will inform you of the settlement offer and explain how the insurance company arrived at that amount.
In almost all cases, the insurance adjuster will gather the same types of information: how the accident happened, who else was involved, what property was damaged and whether anyone was injured. They will also take pictures of your car and obtain estimates for repairing the damages.
Keep in mind that insurance companies, whether it is your company or the other driver’s, want to pay you as little as possible. That is why you should seek the immediate advice of an attorney after you have been involved in a car accident. A Texas personal injury attorney can make sure that you receive a fair settlement for your accident. Your attorney will work only for you, not the insurance company.
To receive free legal advice about your car accident and insurance settlement, contact Fears | Nachawati today. Email us at or call us on our toll-free number at 1.866.705.7584 for a free consultation.